Call Bio1 for suicide cleanup

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Homicide & Suicide Cleanup | San Diego & Carlsbad, CA

It’s a terrible time in a family’s life, when they are suddenly confronted with a homicide or other experience that ends with a crime scene. After the crime scene investigators leave the area, family members are often faced with the task of cleaning after their loved one. Call Bio1 San Diego when you need prompt, efficient and discreet homicide or crime scene cleanup, services available throughout San Diego County.

Aside from the emotional impact of the recent events, the family, most of the time, doesn’t move out of the house. The homicide cleanup has to be done with the utmost respect and understanding. In addition, Federal regulations deem all body fluids and tissue to be a bio-hazard requiring knowledge, special safety handling procedures, and disposal.

What We Do

Cleanup is needed from top to bottom; ceiling, walls, even light fixtures. Every square inch is considered a potential source of infection.
You have to know what to look for. A thumbnail spot on the carpet might mean a 2 foot diameter blood stain on the padding under it or on the floor board. With time it starts to smell. Bio1 San Diego is the best company in San Diego County, and we will scrub, disinfect, bag and remove all remnants of the tragedy. The trained professionals have experience in working with different bio-hazard materials and other hazardous waste. We are prompt and reliable.