Call Bio1 for suicide cleanup

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San Diego County: 619-432-5119
San Diego County: 858-939-9985
North County: 760-517-6552


In Need Of Homeless Cleanup Services in San Diego & Carlsbad, CA


Bio1 San Diego has been offering homeless cleanup services for years. We know what it takes to make sure the area is not only clean but secure. We offer homeless camp clean up services to get unsightly trash and very dangerous biohazards off your

property, off the streets, out of wooded areas and from under bridges. This removes any potential needle sticks or biohazard exposure. We find used and dirty syringes, needles, containers of feces and urine, drug paraphernalia, and bloody items during these clean ups. Trust Bio1 to handle the situation.
We make sure to address the following:

o Drug paraphernalia is commonly present including used syringes which are a biohazard and need to be treated accordingly
o Broken glass is often found
o Large amounts of human waste is usually present as well

Our approach
o We clean homeless camps in a manner that treats the homeless population with dignity.
o A written notice is affixed for each camp
o Please see August 27th 2018 blog entry

How to proceed
o Every job is different
o Call us to come take a tour of the area and give a written estimate