Call Bio1 for suicide cleanup

Preferred provider for USAA and
Farmers Insurance

Let us help you clean up your home for the New Year
24/7 Service
San Diego County: 619-432-5119
San Diego County: 858-939-9985
North County: 760-517-6552


Hoarder Cleanup: How We Do It

There are two types of cases, each of which we handle differently, to ensure we provide the client with the most cost effective and efficient service.


When the Hoarder is Still Involved

If he or she plans to stay in the home and needs help to resume a healthy living environment, it depends if they are ready to make a change or is this being forced upon them by authorities, relatives, or a landlord.

Shame and guilt often are part of the reason the situation has gotten to where it has. We recognize that this is a difficult situation, and our job is to make it as easy as possible to restore the home to a physically and biologically safe state. We come in without judgement and make the estimate without triggering anxiety.

If they are ready to make a change, they can be there to guide us during the process of what stays and what goes. We can also bring storage containers or boxes to better organize belongings that are not used often.

If they are not ready to make a change, it is best they are not there and someone authorized to make decisions is there to tell us what should stay and what should go.


When the Hoarder is No Longer Involved

Sometimes, the individual has relocated or passed away. In these cases we get a call from a family member, friend, realtor/property owner, landlord, or estate attorney that has discovered a home that has been neglected for many years and has accumulated an unmanageable amount of items that must be discarded quickly and cost effectively. Bio1 will look for undiscovered and unknown items of value while discarding everything in the home that the client does not wish to retain. Depending on the plans for the property we can also remediate and clean any bio hazards that are discovered under the debris including mold, feces, rodent droppings, insects, blood, vomit, and general filth.

1. Free Estimate

The first step is to call us at 858-215-5347. We are happy to discuss your specific situation. We can then schedule an appointment to visit your home and provide you with a free estimate and a scope of work to deliver a clean and safe environment

2. CleanUp

The next step is the actual cleanup. We typically have 2-4 trained technicians on each job to make sure everything is done efficiently. Most jobs are completed in 1-2 days. We understand and want to help. Every client is unique and treated with the utmost respect and compassion.