Call Bio1 for suicide cleanup

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Farmers Insurance

Let us help you clean up your home for the New Year
24/7 Service
San Diego County: 619-432-5119
San Diego County: 858-939-9985
North County: 760-517-6552


Urine & Feces Cleanup | San Diego & Carlsbad, CA

Call Bio1 San Diego when you're in need of immediate professional feces cleanup, urine cleanup or clean up of any other bodily fluid. In the aftermath of a serious trauma or undiscovered death, natural body mechanisms result in contamination of the whole area surrounding the incident site with urine, feces and other bodily fluids.

Compulsive hoarders also create filth and Bio1 has a great deal of experience with hoarding cleanup. Collections of decaying food, urine, as well as rodent and human feces, result in absolutely awful odors as well as health risks.

But these smells attract other vermin and the infestation only becomes more severe. One such house on a nice suburban street can drop the property value of the whole neighborhood. These situations require the cooperation of social workers, family members and guardians to ensure a professional solution, clearance and decontamination as per state guidelines. Bio1 offers 24/7 services, which are available throughout San Diego & Carlsbad, CA.

Cleaning Bodily Fluids & Decontamination

This is a process that must be handled professionally because water and soap are simply not enough. Human and animal excrement are considered bio-hazard waste and can cause disease and spread viruses that create pandemics.

Bio1, the best clean up company in San Diego & Carlsbad, CA, can provide you with a safe and quick solution to your situation. Our professionals are properly trained to handle the clean up and decontamination when a danger to human health exists. Our emergency hotline is active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we work with insurance companies. After the service is complete, you can go back to living your life without worrying if the area was properly decontaminated and poses danger to people or pets.