Call Bio1 for suicide cleanup

Preferred provider for USAA and
Farmers Insurance

Let us help you clean up your home for the New Year
24/7 Service
San Diego County: 619-432-5119
San Diego County: 858-939-9985
North County: 760-517-6552


Contact A Biohazard Waste Disposal Professional in San Diego & Carlsbad, CA

CALL (619) 432-5119 OR (858) 939-9985 OR (760) 517-6552

or use the convenient form below to leave us a message

    Contact Us for pricing and more infomation

    Call any time, day or night, and you will get the owner directly. No answering machines or call centers.

    Phone (619) 432-5119                               Address:
    Phone (858) 939-9985                               9187 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
    Phone (760) 517-6552                               Suite 6, San Diego, CA 92123.

    BIO 1
    9187 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, Suite 6
    San Diego, CA 92123

    Phone: (619) 432-5119
    Phone: (858) 939-9985
    Phone: (760) 517-6552

    Mon: 24/7
    Tue: 24/7
    Wed: 24/7
    Thu: 24/7
    Fri: 24/7
    Sat: 24/7
    Sun: 24/7